My name is Cee Pham. I’m a Vietnamese-American filmmaker, dedicated to creating stories that define our shared human experience, especially those that resonate deeply. I’m a crier—big thanks to my Pisces Moon, if that tells you anything about me.

I graduated from DePaul University with a BFA in Film & Television, with a focus on cinematography. Despite my love for working with the camera, my true passion lies in storytelling and directing. I've directed, produced, and written a diverse range of projects, including narrative shorts, music videos, and documentaries. I've worked with crews as small as myself and as large as 40 people. I have a knack for team management—maybe that’s why I was a Shift Supervisor Manager at Starbucks when I was 19.

I have a profound love for storytelling. It's a joy to collaborate with people who recognize the value of telling meaningful stories. I'm here to showcase important stories to the world, whether they're big or small. All stories matter, including yours. If you ever need to bring your vision to life, I’m always open to a meeting over a cup of coffee—or boba!


About Me - Cee Pham

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